“I love coming to work every day; I love what I do. There's a mission here, I'm doing something for Klal Yisrael.”

Volunteer for oorah
We need YOU!


Give a half hour a week to learn
with a fellow Jew.

become a

TheZone Staff

Make a difference in TheZone
boys' or girls' camp!

apply as
thezone staff


Volunteer at a ChillZone near you to give kids a
positive Jewish environment to learn and grow

volunteer at


Give dating/marriage guidance to singles
of baal teshuva background

become a

Want to help in another way?

Send us your info and we’ll contact you within 2 business days.

Interested In working at oorah?

Keeping our employees happy and motivated is what we do— and we do it well.

Come work in a professional work environment, with a bit of fun and quirkiness thrown in to keep things exciting!